Thursday, December 11, 2008

MJP's Latest J Fiction Offerings

In the spirit of giving, MJP has the following J Fiction titles to offer. Please respond to this blog or email Kathleen Reid before the end of the year if your branch would like any particular gifts from this list.

Happy Holidays!

Anne Gerlach

Alexander The Book of Three
Alexander The First Two Lives of Lukas-Kasha
Alexander The Gawgon and the Boy
Alexander The Rope Trick
Alexander Taran Wanderer
Almond Skellig
Amato Drooling and Dangerous
Anaya The Santero’s Miracle: A Bilingual Story
Andersen The Little Mermaid
Andersen Little Mermaids & Ugly Ducklings…
Anderson Whales on Stilts
Ardagh Heir of Mystery
Ardagh A House Called Awful End
Ardagh Terrible Times
Arnold Golden & Grey (an Unremarkable Boy…)
Arnold Golden & Grey: The Nightmares…
Asch Mr. Maxwell’s Mouse
Auch Frozen Summer
Avi Abigail Takes the Wheel
Avi The Man Who Was Poe
Avi Midnight Magic
Avi Perloo the Bold
Avi Romeo & Juliet Together and Alive at Last
Bader Golden Quest
Bagnold National Velvet
Bailey Miss Hickory
Balliett The Wright 3
Barasch Radio Rescue
Bauer Sticks
Baylor Hawk, I’m Your Brother (2 copies)
Beatty Charley Skedaddle
Bee Comeback Cagers
Bellairs The Treasure of Alpheus Winterborn
Billingsley Well Wished
Birney Friendship According to Humphrey
Bishop Twenty and Ten
Bond Paddington Abroad
Bond Paddington Helps Out
Bond Paddington Takes the Test
Borden Across the Blue Pacific
Borden Goodbye, Charles Lindbergh
Borden Sleds on Boston Common
Brittain Who Knew There’d Be Ghosts?
Brooks Freddy and the Dragon
Brooks Freddy and the Ignormus
Brooks Freddy the Detective
Brooks Freddy the Politician (2 copies)
Bryant The Trial (2 copies)
Bulla The Cardboard Crown
Bunting Nasty, Stinky Sneakers (2 copies)
Bunting One Green Apple
Bunting Sharing Susan
Butler Trading Places with Tank Talbott
Butterworth A Visit to the Big House
Cameron Colibri
Cameron More Stories Huey Tells(2 copies)
Carbone Sarah and the Naked Truth
Carbone Storm Warriors
Carey The Big Bazoohley
Carlson The Family Under the Bridge (2 copies)
Carrick The Accident
Carrick The Elephant in the Dark
Carrick The Foundling
Carris Stolen Bones
Castaneda Abuela’s Weave
Chrisman Shen of the Sea
Coatsworth The Cat Who Went to Heaven
Cole Larky Mavis
Cole Rockin’ Reptiles
Coleman Weirdo’s War
Collier The Empty Mirror
Conly While No One Was Watching
Conrad My Daniel
Cooper The Boggart and the Monster
Cooper The Dark is Rising
Cooper King of Shadows
Corder Lion Boy
Corder Lion Boy: The Chase
Cosby The Best Way to Play
Cosby Shipwreck Saturday
Coville Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher
Creech Heartbeat
Creech Replay: A New Book
Creech Walk Two Moons
Crew The Watertower
Cummings Toulouse: the Story of a Canada Goose (2 copies)
Curry The Big Smith Snatch
Cushman The Midwife’s Apprentice
Dalgliesh The Courage of Sarah Noble
D’Amico Ella Sets the Stage
DeAngeli The Door in the Wall
DeFelice Cold Feet
Degross Donovan’s Word Jar
DeJong Wheel on the School
Delton Angel Bites the Bullet
Denslow Georgie Lee
DePaola The Legend of the Bluebonnet
Dewey Pecos Bill
DiTerlizzi The Ironwood Tree
Etchemendy The Power of Un
Duane Wizard’s Holiday
Duane Wizard’s Dilemma
Godden Four Dolls
Godden Premlata & the Festival of Lights
Golden Magician’s Visit
Gormley Wanted: UFO
Greenfield Sister Yessa’s Story
Griffin The Other Shepards
Grimm Dear Mili
Hall The Whispered Horse
Hamilton M.C. Higgins the Great
Hamilton Time Pieces
Hathaway Missy Violet & Me
Haywood Happy Birthday From Carolyn Haywood
Heide The Shrinking of Treehorn
Heide Treehorn’s Wish
Henkes Sun & Spoon
Hermann Seeing Lessons
Hesse Aleutian Sparrow
Hesse Just Juice
Hest Gabby Growing Up
Hest Love You, Soldier
Hill Minuk: Ashes in the Pathway
Holm North to Freedom
Hooks The Ballade of Belle Dorcas
Howe/Irving Rip Van Winkle
Ives Monsieur Eek
Jansson Moominpappa at Sea
Jansson Moominsummer Madness
Johnston The Ghost of Nicholas Greebe
Jones Tambourine Moon
Joseph The Color of My Words
Kendall The Gammage Cup
Kennedy Amy’s Eyes
Kesey Little Trickster the Squirrel Meets Big Double the Bear
Killilea Newf
Kimmel Asher & the Capmakers
Kindl Goose Chase
Kingsbury Hannah’s Hope
King-Smith Clever Lollipop
King-Smith The Golden Goose
King-Smith Harriet’s Hare
King-Smith Mr. Ape
King-Smith Mr. Potter’s Pet
King-Smith Paddy’s Pot of Gold
King-Smith The Toby Man
King-Smith The Water Horse
Kipling Just So Stories
Kipling Kim
Kipling Rikki Tikki Tavi
Kipling The Second Jungle Book
Kjelgaard Irish Red
Klass Little Women Next Door
Klise Regarding the Trees
Knight Lassie Come Home (2 copies)
Kompanyets The Squishiness of things
Krensky Louise Goes Wild
Kroeger Paperboy
Kroll Dear Mr. President
Kropp Snow Ghost
Krumgold And Now Miguel (2 copies)
Kuklin The Harlem Nutcracker
Langton The Mysterious Circus
Lasky Marven of the Great North Woods
Lawrence The Fugitive from Corinth
Lawrence The Pirates of Pompeii
Lawrence The Secrets of Vesuvius
Lawson Mr. Revere and I (3 copies)
Lawson They Were Strong and Good (2 copies)
Leaf Eyes of the Dragon (3 copies)
Leaf Wee Gillis
Lears Ben Has Something to Say
Lears Megan’s Birthday Tree
Lee Nim and the War Effort
LeGuin The Farthest Shore (2 copies)
LeGuin Jane On Her Own
LeGuin A Ride on the Red Mare’s Back (2 copies)
LeGuin A Wizard of Earthsea
L’Engle The Arm of the Starfish
L’Engle Many Waters
L’Engle Meet the Austins
L’Engle The Moon By Night
Lester Are We There Yet?
Lester Black Cowboy Wild Horses (2 copies)
Lester This Strange New Feeling
Lester Why Heaven is Far Away
Levin Fire in the Wind
Levine All the Lights in the Night (2 copies)
Levine Detective Stars and the Case of the Super Soccer Team
Levine The Fairy’s Mistake (2 copies)
Levy Something Queer in Outer Space (2 copies)
Levy Something Queer in the Wild West (2 copies)
Lewin Red Legs: A Drummer Boy of the Civil War
Lindbergh Bailey’s Window
Lindbergh Travel Far, Pay No Fare
Lisle The Lampfish of Twill
Locker Family Farm (2 copies)
Look Ruby Lu, Brave and True (2 copies)
Love The Puppeteer’s Apprentice
Lovelace Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown
Lovelace Betsy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill
Lovelace Betsy Was a Junior
Lovelace Betsy’s Wedding
Lowry All About Sam
Lowry Anastasia, Ask Your Analyst
Lowry Anastasia At Your Service
Lowry Anastasia Krupnik (2 copies)
Lowry Rabble Starkey
Lowry Switcharound
Lowry Zooman Sam
Lunn The Root Cellar
Lupica Heat (4 copies)
Lyon One Lucky Girl (2 copies)
Lyons Dear Ellen Bee (2 copies)
Macaulay Angelo
Macaulay Black and White
MacBride Little Farm in the Ozarks (2 copies)
MacDonald Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle
MacLachlan Grandfather’s Dance
MacLachlan More Perfect Than the Moon (2 copies)
MacLachlan Sarah Plain and Tall(4 copies)
MacLachlan Three Names
Magorian Good Night Mr. Tom (2 copies)
Mah Chinese Cinderella and the Secret Dragon Society (2 copies)
Mahy The Five Sisters
Mahy A Fortune Branches Out
Mahy The Haunting
Mahy Nonstop Nonsense
Mahy The Other Side of Silence
Manushkin Latkes & Applesauce(2 copies)
Marcantonio Red Ridin’ in the Hood & Other Cuentos
Marcellino I, Crocodile
Marino Eighty-Eight Steps to September
Marsden Silk Umbrellas
Marshall Rats on the Range and Other Stories (2 copies)
Marshall Swine Lake(2 copies)
Martin Belle Teal (2 copies)
Martin Here Today (2 copies)
Martin Jr. Knots on a Counting Rope(2 copies)
Matas Daniel’s Story
Matthews A Dog for Life (2 copies)
Mathis The Hundred Penny Box (3 copies)
Mayer Beauty and the Beast
Mayne Hob and the Goblins
Mazer The Wild Kid
McCall Smith Akimbo and the Crocodile Man
McCall Smith Akimbo and the Lions (2 copies)
McCaughrean Casting the Gods Adrift
McCully Beautiful Warrior
McCully Hurry!
McCully The Orphan Singer
McDonough The Doll with the Yellow Star (2 copies)
McGill Miles’ Song
McGill Molly Bannaky (3 copies)
McGraw The Moorchild (2 copies)
McGraw The Striped Ships
McKay Indigo’s Star (3 copies)
McKean The Secret of the Seven Willows
McKillip The Changeling Sea(2 copies)
McKinley The Hero and the Crown
McKinley The Outlaws of Sherwood
McKissack Abby Takes a Stand
McKissack Eenie, Meanie, Murphy, NO!
McKissack Flossie & the Fox
McKissack Miami Gets It Straight
McKissack Miami Sees It Through
McKissack Porch Lies(2 copies)
McKissack Precious and the Boo Hag
McMahon Just Add One Chinese Sister
McNamee Sparks
Mead Junebug & the Reverend(2 copies)
Mead Junebug in Trouble
Mead Soldier Mom
Meddaugh Lulu’s Hat(2 copies)
Medearis The Adventures of Sugar & Junior(2 copies)
Medearis The Ghost of Sifty-Sifty Sam (2 copies)
Medearis Seven Spools of Thread
Mendez the Black Snowman(3 copies)
Meigs Invincible Louisa
Merrill The Toothpaste Millionaire(2 copies)
Michaelson Too Young for Yiddish
Miles Annie and the Old One
Miller Night Golf
Mills Alex Ryan, Stop That!(2 copies)
Mills Lizzie at Last
Mills Losers, Inc.
Mills Makeovers by Marcia
Mills 7 x 9 = Trouble!
Milne House at Pooh Corner
Mitchell Uncle Jed’s Barbershop
Mobin-Uddin My Name is Bilal(2 copies)
Mochizuki Heroes
Mollel The Orphan Boy
Molnar-Fenton An Mei’s Strange & Wonderful Journey(2 copies)
Montgomery Anne of Green Gables
Moore Freedom Songs
Moore The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Mora Dona Flor(2 copies)
Morgenstern A Book of Coupons
Morgenstern Princesses are People Too (2 copies)
Morgenstern Secret Letters from 0-10
Morgenstern Sixth Grade (2 copies)
Morris Nightwalkers
Moss Galen: My Life in Imperial Rome
Mourlevat The Pull of the Ocean
Mowat Owls in the Family
Murphy The Call of the Wolves
Murphy Dinosaur for a Day(2 copies)
Myers Climb or Die
Myers Lewis & Clark & Me
Myers Me, Mop and the Moondance Kid
Myers The Righteous Revenge of Artemis Bonner
Namioka Yand the Second & Her Secret Admirers(2 copies)
Naylor Anyone Can Eat Squid!
Naylor Bernie Magruder & the Haunted Hotel
Naylor Bernie Magruder & the Parachute Peril
Naylor The Fear Place(3 copies)
Naylor Roxie & the Hooligans(2 copies)
Nelson Almost to Freedom
Nelson Ruby Electric(2 copies)
Nerlove Flowers on the Wall
Nesbit Five Children & It
Ness Sam, Bangs & Moonshine
Newman The Case of the Etruscan Treasure
Newman The Case of the Threatened King
Nivola Elisabeth
Nix Grim Tuesday
Nixon Aggie’s Home (2 copies)
Nixon Ann’s Story
Nixon Caesar’s Story
Nixon David’s Search (2 copies)
Nixon Gus & Gertie & the Lucky Charms(2 copies)
Nixon Gus & Gertie & the Missing Pearl (2 copies)
Nixon If You Were a Writer
Nixon John’s Story
Nixon Laugh Till You Cry
Nixon Lucy’s Wish(3 copies)
Nixon Maria’s Story(2 copies)
Nixon Nancy’s Story
Nixon That’s the Spirit, Claude
Nixon Will’s Choice (3 copies)
Nixon Will’s Story
Nolen Big Jabe(2 copies)
Nolen Harvey Potter’s Balloon Farm(2 copies)
Nolen Hewitt Anderson’s Great Big Life(2 copies)
Nolen Raising Dragons
Nolen Thunder Rose
Norton Bed-Knob & Broomstick
Norton The Borrowers Afloat(2 copies)
Norton The Borrowers Aloft(3copies)
Norton The Borrowers Avenged
Nunes The Last Dragon
Oakley The Foxbury Force
O’Connor Fame & Glory in Freedom, Georgia
O’Dell Island of the Blue Dolphins(2 copies)
O’Dell Thunder Rolling in the Mountains
O’Malley Velcome
Orgel The Devil in Vienna
Orr Nim’s Island (3 copies)
Osborne New York’s Bravest
Park Mick Harte Was Here
Park Skinnybones
Park Almost Starring Skinnybones
Park Maxie, Rosie, & Earl -- Partners in Grime
Park A Single Shard(3 copies)
Park When My Name Was Keoko(2 copies)
Paterson The Same Stuff as Stars
Paterson The Sign of the Chrysanthemum
Paterson The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks
Patneude Thin Wood Walls
Patron The Higher Power of Lucky(6 copies)
Patterson The Christmas Cup
Pattison The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman
Pattison Searching for Oliver K. Woodman
Paulsen Call Me Francis Tucket
Paulsen The Crossing
Paulsen Mr. Tucket
Paulsen Tracker
Paulsen Tucket’s Gold
Paulsen Tucket’s Ride
Pearson Porkchop’s Halloween
Pearce Tom’s Midnight Garden(2 copies)
Peck Fair Weather
Peck Ghosts I Have Been
Peck Little Soup’s Birthday
Peck A Long Way From Chicago
Pelton When Dad’s at Sea
Pennington Charley Feather
Perkins All Alone in the Universe(2 copies)
Petersen White Water
Peterson The Littles & the Trash Tinies(2 copies)
Peyton Poor Badger
Pfeffer Turning Thirteen
Philbrick Max the Mighty
Philbrick The Young Man & the Sea(4 copies)
Pierce Alanna: the First Adventure (2 copies)
Pierce Cold Fire
Pierce Shatterglass
Pierce Tris’s Book
Pierce Where the Wild Geese Go
Pilkey God Bless the Gargoyles
Pinkney Hold Fast to Dreams
Pinkney Peggony-Po(2 copies)
Pinkwater At the Hotel Larry
Pinkwater Author’s Day
Pinkwater Doodle Flute
Pinkwater The Frankenbagel Monster
Pinkwater Guys from Space
Pinkwater The Hoboken Chicken Emergency
Pinkwater Ned Feldman, Space Pirate
Pinkwater The Phantom of the Lunch Wagon
Pinkwater Spaceburger
Pinkwater Wempires
Pinkwater Young Larry
Pochocki The Mushroom Man
Poe Ten Great Mysteries by Edgar Allen Poe
Pratchett Johnny & the Dead
Pratchett Wings
Pullman Count Karlstein
Quattlebaum Jackson Jones & Mission Greentop(2 copies)
Quattlebaum Jazz, Pizzazz and the Silver Threads(2 copies)
Random The Random House Book of Ghost Stories
Ransome Peter Duck
Ransome Swallowdale
Rappaport The Secret Seder
Raven Circle Unbroken
Rawlings The Yearling(2 copies)
Ray Basket Moon
Reeder Across the Lines
Rees Grandy Thaxter’s Helper
Reeve Larklight
Reiche Ghost Ship
Reiss The Journey Back(3 copies)
Reiss Time Windows (2 copies)
Reit Guns for General Washington (2 copies)
Rice The Year the Wolves Came
Richter Friedrich (2 copies)
Riggio Secret Signs(2 copies)
Ringgold Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad in the Sky(2 copies)
Ringgold Bonjour, Lonnie
Ringgold Dinner at Aunt Connie’s House
Roberts Jazzy Miz Mozetta
Roberts The Thumb in the Box
Robertson Henry Reed, Inc. (2 copies)Robinet Captain KateRobinet Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule (2 copies)
Robinet Missing From Market Square
Robinet Walking to the Bus-Rider Blues (2 copies)
Robinet The Twins, the Pirates and the Battle of New Orleans
Robinet Washington City is Burning (2 copies)
Robinson Angela, Private Citizen
Robinson The (Worst) Best Halloween Ever (2 copies)
Rockwell Befana
Rodda Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal
Rodda Rowan and the Travelers
Rodda Rowan and the Zebak
Rodowsky Not My Dog
Rogers The Boy, the Bear, the Baron, the Bard
Rogers Goodbye, My Island
Rogers Raymond’s Best Summer
Rogers The Secret Moose
Romansky Invincible
Roop Buttons for General Washington (3 copies)
Root Lucia and the Light
Root Moon Tiger
Root Soup for Supper
Rosales Minnie Saves the Day (2 copies)
Rosen Speed of Light
Roth Patchwork Tales
Rowling Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(4 copies)
Rowling Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (3 copies)
Rumford Dog-of-the-Sea-Waves
Russell Maggie’s Amerikay
Ryan Amelia & Eleanor Go for a Ride
Rylant Missing May
Rylant Old Town in the Green Groves
Sachs Lost in America
Salten Bambi
San Souci The Boy and the Ghost
San Souci A Terrifying Taste of Short & Shivery
Sanvoisin The Ink Drinker
Sanvoisin The City of Ink Drinkers
Sanvoisin Little Red Ink Drinker
Sanvoisin A Straw for Two
Sawyer Freedom Calls
Say Tea With Milk
Schanzer Davy Crockett Saves the World
Schmidt Mara’s Stories
Schnur The Koufax Dilemma
Schotter Efan the Great
Schotter Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street(2 copies)
Schroeder Minty
Schroeder Ragtime Tumpie
Schur The Peddler’s Gift(2 copies)
Schwartz Mrs. Moskowitz & the Sabbath Candlesticks
Seidler Brainboy & the Deathmaster(2 copies)
Selden Tucker’s Countryside
Sepulveda Seagull and the Cat (2 copies)
Sewell Black Beauty
Shahan Frozen Stiff(2 copies)
Shange Ellington Was Not a Street
Sharp The Rescuers
Shea The Carpet Boy’s Gift
Shelley Frankenstein
Sherman Changeling
Sherman Vassilisa the Wise
Sheth Blue Jasmine
Shreve The Gift of the Girl Who Couldn’t Hear
Shreve Joshua T. Bates Takes Charge
Shreve Trout & Me (2 copies)
Shriver What’s Happening to Grandpa?
Shriver What’s Heaven?
Shriver What’s Wrong with Timmy? (2 copies)
Silverman When the Chickens Went on Strike(2 copies)
Silverstein The Missing Piece
Singer A Tale of Three Wishes
Skarmeta The Composition
Skolsky Hannah & the Whistling Teakettle(2 copies)
Skurzynski Virtual War(2 copies)
Slate The Great Big Wagon That Rang(2 copies)
Sleator Interstellar Pig
Sleator The Night the Heads Came(2 copies)
Sleator Rewind
Slepian The Broccoli Tapes
Slote My Robot Buddy (4 copies)
Small Baba Yaga
Smalls-Hector Irene & the Big, Fine Nickel
Smith Jingle Dancer
Smith John, Paul, George & Ben (2 copies)
Smith The 101 Dalmations
Smith Pinocchio the Boy
Smith A Taste of Blackberries
Smith Wren’s Quest
Smith Wren to the Rescue
Smucker No Star Nights
Snicket The Slippery Slope(5 copies)
Snyder The Egypt Game(2 copies)
Snyder The Magic Nation Thing(2 copies)
Snyder The Witches of Worm
Soto Off and Running(2 copies)
Spinner Be First in the Universe
(Star Wars) Watch Out, Jar Jar!
Stauffacher Harry Sue
Stevens Trouble for Lucy
Stevenson Heat Wave at Mud Flat
Stevenson Christmas at Mud Flat
Stevenson O’Diddy
Stevenson Yard Sale
Stillerman Nine Spoons
Stock Emma’s Dragon Hunt(2 copies)
Stock Sampson the Christmas Cat
Stoeke Waiting for May
Stolz The Noonday Friends(2 copies)
Strickland The Wrath of the Ginning Ghost
Stuve-Bodeen Babu’s Song
Swift Gulliver’s Travels
Swope The Araboolies of Liberty Street(2 copies)
Tan The Arrival(5 copies)
Tarpley Destiny’s Gift
Tate The Secret of Gumbo Grove(2 copies)
Taulbert Little Cliff & the Cold Place
Taulbert Little Cliff & the First Day of School
Taulbert Little Cliff & the Porch People(2 copies)
Taylor All-of-a-Kind Family
Taylor Ella of All-of-a-Kind Family
Taylor The Friendship
Taylor The Gold Cadillac
Taylor Ice Drift(2 copies)
Taylor The Land
Taylor Let the Circle Be Unbroken
Taylor Mississippi Bridge
Taylor More All-of-a-Kind Family
Taylor The Well
Teague Moog-Moog, Space Barber
Teague Pigsty
Testa Becoming Joe Dimaggio
Thomas The Comeback Dog
Thompson The King Has Horse’s Ears
Thurber The Great Quillow
Thurber Many Moons
Tildes The Garden Wall
Tolan Sophie and the Sidewalk Man
Tolan Surviving the Applewhites
Tolan Who’s There?
Tolkien The Fellowship of the Ring
Tompert The Silver Whistle
Torrey Voyage of Plunder(2 copies)
Tran Tet: The New Year
Trevino I, Juan de Pareja
Turner Katie’s Trunk
Turner Nettie’s Trip South
Uchida The Best Bad Thing(2 copies)
Van Leeuwen Hannah of Fairfield(2 copies)
Van Leeuwen Hannah’s Helping Hands
Van Leeuwen Hannah’s Winter of Hope
Varley Badger’s Parting Gifts(2 copies)
Vaughan Up the Learning Tree
Vidal Federico & the Magi’s Gift
Viorst Earrings! (2 copies)
Visions Visions of Fantasy: Tales from the Masters
Vivelo Chills in the Night
Vivelo Chills Run Down My Spine
Voigt Jackaroo
Voigt the Vandemark Mummy
Wagner J.T.
Waldman The Never-Ending Greenness
Wallace The Barrel in the Basement
Wallace Cousins in the Castle (2 copies)
Wallace Ghosts in the Gallery(3 copies)
Wallace The Perils of the Peppermints(4 copies)
Wallace Secret in St. Something
Wallace Sparrows in the Scullery(4 copies)
Wallace Trapped in Death Cave
Wallace The Twin in the Tavern
Walter Ray & the Best Family Reunion Ever
Walter Suitcase(3 copies)
Walter Two and Too Much(2 copies)
Ward The Rooster and the Fox(2 copies)
Ward The Silver Pony
Wardlaw 101 Ways to Bug Your Parents
Warhola Uncle Andy’s
Weatherford Freedom on the Menu
Weir Panther Dream
Wells The Language of Doves
Wells Timothy’s Tales from Hilltop School
Wells Wingwalker(2 copies)
Werewolves Werewolves: A Collection of Original Stories
Westall Spinetinglers: Ghoulish Ghost Stories
Whelan Angel on the Square
Whelan Hannah
Whelan Next Spring an Oriole
White Belle Prater’s Boy(2 copies)
White Buttermilk Hill
White The Search for Belle Prater
White Tadpole (3 copies)
Whitehouse The Strictest School in the World(2 copies)
Whitelaw A Beautiful Pearl
Whybrow Little Wolf, Forest Detective
Whybrow Little Wolf, Pack Leader
Whybrow Little Wolf’s Book of Badness
Wild Toby
Wiles Each Little Bird That Sings
Wilhelm The Revealers(2 copies)
Wilkins Little City by the Lake
Wiggin Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
Williams Amber Was Brave, Essie Was Smart(2 copies)
Williams Kalabashee & His Sisters
Williams Scooter
Williams Unexpected: 11 Mysterious Stories
Winthrop Counting on Grace
Winthrop Katharine’s Doll
Wong Minn & Jake
Woodruff the Christmas Doll(2 copies)
Woodruff Ghosts Don’t Get Goosebumps
Woodruff The Ravenmaster’s Secret
Woodson Coming On Home Soon
Woodson Show Way
Wright A Ghost in the House
Wright The Ghost Witch
Wright Haunted Summer
Wright Jumping the Broom
Wright The Old Woman & the Willy Nilly Man(2 copies)
Wright The Wish Master
Wrightson Night Outside
Yamate Ashok By Any Other Name(2 copies)
Yee Millicent Min
Yee Tales From Gold Mountain
Yep Cockroach Cooties(2 copies)
Yep Dream Soul
Yep Hiroshima
Yep The Magic Paintbrush(2 copies)
Yep Spring Pearl, The Last Flower
Yep When the Circus Came to Town(3 copies)
Yolen Atalanta & the Arcadian Beast
Yolen The Bagpiper’s Ghost(2 copies)
Yolen Child of the Owl
Yolen Dragon’s Blood
Yolen The Haunted House
Yolen Hippolyta & the Curse of the Amazons
Yolen Hobby(Young Merlin Trilogy, Book 2)
Yolen King Long Shanks
Yolen Wizard’s Hall
Young I, Doko(2 copies)
Zemach Duffy & the Devil
Zemser Beyond the Mango Tree(2 copies)
Zimelman How the 2nd Grade Got $8,205.50 …
Zimmett Eddie Enough!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

4 picture books to give away

We can share
  • Lasky Pond Year (lovely nature story you can read at any point in the year; just start the book at the month we are in)
  • Lester Sam and the tigers (a "standard" and fun too!)
  • Levine Pearl Moscowitz's last stand (a good picture book for when you are asked for a picture book for older children)
  • Lewin Big Jimmy's kumkau Chinese take out (wonderful pictures of people at work in a restaurant---this book shows lots of fathers and uncles and their co-workers)

We are working on our picture book collection. If you have any particular need for a title in the range Ha - Q (authors) let us know. We may have a copy to spare. Please let Linda Swanson know of your interest by email.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More MJP J Nonfiction Giveaways

Hi Everybody!

In addition to the last list of J nonfiction Titles, the Marilyn J. Praisner Branch Library has the following to offer:

J821 MCN Making Friends with Frankenstein
J821 MIL Now We Are Six
J821.008 GOL The Golden Books Family Treasury of Poetry
J821.008 LOT Lot’s of Limericks (2 copies)
J821.008 POE Poems for the Very Young
J821.008 REA Read-Aloud Rhymes for the Very Young
J822.33 CHR Shakespeare (Eyewitness) (2 copies)
J822.33 COV William Shakespeare’s Macbeth
J822.33 COV Twelfth Night
J822.33 GAR Shakespeare Stories
J822.33 GAR Shakespeare Stories II
J822.33 ROS Shakespeare: His Work & His World
J822.33 STA Bard of Avon: the Story of William Shakespeare
J883 HOM The Adventures of Odysseus
J883 HOM The Voyage of Odysseus
J904 BLA Unsolved History: Enigmatic Events
J910.45 ADK What if You Met a Pirate?
J910.45 LIC Everything I Know About Pirates
J910.45 PLA Shipwreck (Eyewitness)
J910.45 TAN On Board the Titanic
J910.9 MAT Explorer (Eyewitness)
J910.92 JON Westward Ho!
J910.92 RUM Traveling Man
J910.92 WOO The Children’s Atlas of People & Places
J912 NAT National Geographic Beginner’s World Atlas
J914.436 STE Paris
J917.303 TUN Colonial Living (2 copies)
J917.303 TUN The Young United States
J917.5941 GIB Sunken Treasure
J917.8 MAY The Rocky Mountains
J917.8 QUI The Lewis and Clark Expedition
J917.8 WAD Words West: Voices of Young Pioneers
J920.073 KUN Great Negros Past & Present
J920.72 LEO Outrageous Women of the Renaissance
J922.22 BUN Lives of the Saints You Should Know Vol. 2
J922.22 BUN Lives of the Saints You Should Know
J923.173 FAB Great Lives: American Government
J923.173 SMI The Smithsonian Book of the First Ladies
J923.173 SUL Mr. President: A Book of U.S. Presidents
J925 STJ African-American Scientists
J926 VAR Women Inventors & Their Discoveries
J927.2 GLE America’s Favorite Architects
J927.96 SUL Great Lives: Sports (2 copies)
J930 BRO Ancient Egyptians & Their Neighbors
J930 MAG Art & Civilization Prehistory
J932 ALI Mummies Made in Egypt
J932 BAL Clothes & Crafts in Ancient Egypt
J932 BEN Egyptian Tombs (2 copies)
J932 BIE Egypt in Spectacular Cross-Section
J932 COL Ms. Frizzle’s Adventures: Ancient Egypt
J932 DON Tut’s Mummy Lost & Found
J932 GIB Secrets of the Sphinx
J932 TAY Mummy: The Inside Story
J934 ARO The Indus Valley
J937 CHI Living in Roman Times
J937 HAR Ancient Rome!
J937 STE Roman Times
J937.7 GOO Pompeii: Exploring a Roman Ghost Town (2 copies)
J938 J52G Greek and Roman Life
J938 MAR Greek Temples
J938 ROS Ancient Greece: Daily Life
J938 RUT See Inside and Ancient Greek Town
J938 STE Clothes & Crafts in Ancient Greece (3 copies)
J939 SON The Ancient Kushites
J940.1 ALI A Medieval Feast
J940.1 CAS The Middle Ages (2 copies)
J940.1 COL Ms. Frizzle’s Adventures: Medieval Castle
J940.1 DAW Clothes & Crafts in the Middle Ages (2 copies)
J940.1 EAS Life in a Castle
J940.1 GRA The Knight’s Handbook
J940.1 GRE Daily Life: A Medieval Castle
J940.1 HAR Knights & Castles
J940.1 HIN The Time Traveller Book of Knights & Castles
J940.1 HOO Stephen Biesty’s Castles
J940.1 LAS A Tournament of Knights
J940.1 MAC How to Be a Medieval Knight
J940.1 MCG If You Lived in the Days of the Knights
J940.1 NIC Medieval Knights
J940.1 PLA Castle Diary
J940.1 SCO Medieval Clothing & Costumes
J940.1 TAN In the Time of the Knights
J940.1 UNS See Inside a Castle
J940.1 WOO Read About Castles
J940.21 NET Life During the Renaissance
J940.3 DOL America in World War I
J940.4 TAY Key Battles of World War I
J940.53 GOU Welcome to Molly’s World
J940.53 KIN World War II Days
J940.5317 TUN The Children of Topaz
J940.54 DRE Remember D-Day
J940.54 KRE Pearl Harbor (Ready-to-Read) (2 copies)
J941 CAM United Kingdom in Pictures
J941 YOU The Oxford History of Britain & Ireland
J941.081 STE Clothes & Crafts in Victorian Times
J941.081 WIL Daily Life in a Victorian House
J941.5 IRE Ireland in Pictures
J943 SMI The Fall of the Berlin Wall
J943.8 ZUE Poland in Pictures
J943.9 STA Hungary (Enchantment of the World)
J945 BAR Daily Life in Ancient & Modern Rome
J946 TAU Spain in Pictures
J948 MAR The Vikings (History as Evidence)
J948 PEA The Vikings (See Through History)
J948 SIM Leif Eriksson & the Vikings
J948 WEI Vikings: Raiders & Explorers
J948.022 HAT The Viking World
J949.4 MAR The Alps
J949.4 SWI Switzerland in Pictures
J949.5 KOT Daily Life in Ancient & Modern Times Athens
J949.5 LAN Great Cities of the World: Athens
J949.742 ENG Bosnia-Herzegovina in Pictures
J952 BOR Country Insights: Japan
J952 DEA Samurai: Warlords of Japan
J952 MAT Ninjas: Masters of Stealth and Secrecy
J952.135 TAK I Live in Tokyo
J953.8 BRO Saudi Arabia in Pictures
J954.9 TAU Pakistan in Pictures
J955 GRE Iran (Enchantment of the World)
J959.7 KIL Leaving Vietnam: The True Story of Tuan Ngo
J960 HAN African Princess
J960 KOS Ancient Ghana
J960 KOS Asante
J960 KOS Benin
J960 KOS Dahomey
J960 KOS Mali
J960 KOS Senegambia
J960 KOS Yorubaland
J960 MAN Ghana, Mali, Songhay (African Kingdoms of the Past)
J960 MAN Kongo, Ndongo (African Kingdoms of the Past)
J960 MAN Monomotapa Zulu Basuto (African Kingdoms of the Past)
J966.7 BLA Ghana (Enchantment of the World)
J968 HEI South Africa (a True Book) (2 copies)
J970 NAG North America (Continents of the World)
J970.01 ROS Cultures Collide: Native Americas and Europeans
J970.01 STE The Conquistadores
J970.015 MAR In 1492 (2 copies)
J970.1 ADA Tipi
J970.1 BER Longhouse
J970.1 SHE Houses of Bark
J970.1 SHE Houses of Hide and Earth
J970.1 SHE Houses of Wood
J970.1 TER Daily Life in a Plains Indian Village
J970.1 TUN Indians
J970.3 BIA The Comanche
J970.3 BIA The Pueblo
J970.3 FRE Buffalo Hunt (2 copies)
J970.3 MOO The Commanche Indians
J970.3 ROS The Wampanoag
J970.5 SEA Brother Eagle, Sister Sky
J972 HOW Mexico
J972 TUR Mexico & Central America
J972.01 CHR The Aztecs
J972.01 DAW Food & Feasts with the Aztecs
J972.01 FIS Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon (2 copies)
J972.01 SHE The Aztec Indians (2 copies)
J972.01 SHE The Maya Indians
J972.81 SHI Guatemala
J972.87 PAN Panama in Pictures
J972.87 PAR Locks, Crocs & Skeeters
J972.9 KAR Miracle (2 copies)
J972.91 STA Children of Cuba
J972.91 WOL Cuba: After the Revolution
J972.95 PUE Puerto Rico In Pictures
J973 CHE America: A Patriotic Primer
J973 ENG Scholastic Encyclopedia of the United States at War
J973 KAT The History of Multicultural America
J973 SIS The Train of States
J973 TUN Frontier Living
J973.082 LES To Be a Slave
J973.2 BAR Growing Up in Colonial America
J973.2 DEA Life in the American Colonies
J973.2 GOU Welcome to Felicity’s World 1774
J973.2 KAL Colonial Life
J973.2 MAE The New Americans
J973.3 DAL The 4th of July Story
J973.3 JOH The Battle of Lexington & Concord
J973.3 MIL Growing Up in the Revolution & the New Nation
J973.3 REV The Revolutionary War
J973.3 SCH George vs. George
J973.3 STE The Revolutionary War
J973.303 EIS Women in Colonial & Revolutionary America
J973.46 SCH The Louisiana Purchase
J973.5 GOO Ultimate Field Trip 4: A Week in the 1800s
J973.52 KRO By the Dawn’s Early Light
J973.62 JAC War With Mexico
J973.7 FRI The Silent Witness
J973.7 MCP Fields of Fury
J973.7 SIN Welcome to Addy’s World
J973.711 RAY A Nation Torn
J973.7115 HAN Freedom Roads
J973.7115 PRI I Came as a Stranger
J973.734 FRI Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln
J973.734 LIN The Gettysburg Address
J973.75 BLA Blockade Runners & Ironclads
J973.75 SUL The Civil War at Sea
J974 RYL Appalachia: The Voices of Sleeping Birds
J974.1 GIB Surrounded By Sea
J974.1 KEN Maine (America the Beautiful)
J974.4 SEW Thunder from the Clear Sky
J974.71 BIA Tenement: Immigrant Life on the Lower East Side
J974.71 GOO On This Spot
J974.81 MIL The Story of the Liberty Bell
J975 KAL Life on a Plantation
J975 MCK Christmas in the Big House, Christmas in the Quarters
J975.00496 BIA The Strength of These Arms
J975.2 BUN Counties of Central Maryland
J975.2 BUR Maryland (America the Beautiful)
J975.2 COL The Colony of Maryland
J975.2 GOL M is for Maryland
J975.2 MAR Maryland: The Seventh State a History
J975.2 MEN B is for Blue Crab: A Maryland Alphabet
J975.3 BRI Building the Capital City
J975.3 KEN The Lincoln Memorial
J975.3 MUN The Inside-Outside Book of Washington D.C.
J975.3 STE Washington D.C.
J975.3 SAN The Capitol
J975.5 GOO Williamsburg: Cradle of the Revolution
J976.4 SAN The Battle of the Alamo
J977.6 FRA Minnesota (Sea to Shining Sea) (2 copies)
J977.8 FRA Missouri (Sea to Shining Sea)
J978 AND Cowboys: Roundup on an American Ranch
J978 FIS The Oregon Trail
J978 LAV Snowbound: The Tragic Story of the Donner Party
J978 SCH How We Crossed the West
J978.00496 PEL Black Heroes of the Wild West
J978.2 MCN Nebraska (America the Beautiful)
J978.3 FRA South Dakota (Sea to Shining Sea)
J978.3 HAR My Prairie Year
J979.4 BLU The Great American Gold Rush
J979.8 BRO Children of the Midnight Sun
J982 PET Argentina: A Wild West Heritage
J984 HER The Children of Bolivia
J985 CHR The Incas
J985 GET Frozen Girl
J985 KEN The Incas
J985 NEW The Incas (2 copies)
J985 PAR Peru (2 copies)
J985 PIT The Grandchildren of the Incas
J985 WOO The Incas
J998 SHE Houses of Snow, Skin & Bones

Please respond to this post or to my email at before January 1st if you would like any of the above copies.


Anne Gerlach

Monday, November 17, 2008

KP needs a paperback copy of The Grand Escape +

Do you have one your branch could spare? Could you please send it to us.
We have many j music cds. If you need a particular performer, please let us know. We would like to send cds to you.
Linda and Nancy

Monday, November 10, 2008

Offer: The Hot Zone

Damascus has six Reading List copies of The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. First come, first served. If you would like any please let me know at:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Children's Books to share from Kensington Park

Please let us know if you need any of these titles:
The Changing Chesapeake
An Usborne Introduction [to] Biology
A Random House Tell Me About Book Rainforest Animals
The story of gold - Hellman
True Book The Pacific Ocean
Awesome Chesapeake
True Book Grasslands
True Book Deserts
True Book Experiments with Plants
Degas and the Dance
The Making of America - Johnston

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

MJP Nonfiction Giveaways

Hi All!

The Marilyn J. Praisner Branch Library has the following list of J nonfiction giveaways thus far:

J001.942 HER The Mystery of UFOs
J004.6 MAC An Introduction to Web Site Design
J004.6 RAA Safety on the Internet
J133.4 BUR The Salem Witch Trials
J133.4 SAV Wizards: An Amazing Journey …
J152.148 WIC Walter Wick’s Optical Tricks
J152.4 CRI What to Do When You’re Scared & Worried
J155.937 DEN After You Lose Someone You Love
J220.95 DEL Reader’s Digest Bible for Children (2 copies)
J220.95 PIL The Kingfisher Children’s Bible
J220.95 TUR The Bible Story
J221.92 MAN Daughters of Fire: Heroines of the Bible
J221.95 GER The Shadow of a Flying Bird
J222.11 PIN Noah’s Ark (2 copies)
J291 GLO The Kids Book of World Religions
J291.13 PHI Mythology (Eyewitness Books)
J292 HUT The Trojan Horse
J292 LOW The Macmillan Book of Greek Gods & Heroes
J292 MAL Gods & Goddesses
J292 MCC Greek Myths
J292 ROC The One-Eyed Giant & Other Monsters From the Greek Myths
J292 SWI Greek Myths Gods, Heroes & Monsters…
J292 USH Heroes, Gods & Emperors from Roman Mythology
J293 PHI Odin’s Family
J296 WOO Judaism (World Religions)
J296.4 CHA Menorahs, Mazuzas & Other Jewish Symbols
J296.4 EHR The Story of Hanukkah (2 copies)
J296.4 GOL The Passover Journey
J296.4 GRO Celebrate: A Book of Jewish Holidays
J296.4 HOF What You Will See Inside a Synagogue
J296.4 HOY Celebrating Hanukkah
J296.4 NER Purim
J296.4 SIM The Story of Passover
J296.44 WIL Baby’s Bris
J296.65 ROS The Old Synagogue
J297 MOR Islam (World of Beliefs)
J297 WIL Islam (Eyewitness)
J299.31 FIS The Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
J299.31 HAR Gods & Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology
J299.31 MOR Egyptian Myths
J302.34 BUR Playground Survival
J303.625 PEP Terrorism Alert!
J303.69 NEL Working With Others
J305.23 GIR Girls Know Best
J305.23 GIR Girls Know Best 2
J305.23 GIR Girls Know Best 3
J305.23 LIF A Life Like Mine
J305.23 MAK Making It Home
J305.4 HEI Amazing Women in American History
J305.4 MAC Women in Ancient Rome
J305.4 MAC Women in Medieval Times
J305.42 BLU Bloomers!
J305.42 MAC Women in Ancient Egypt
J305.42 MAC Women in Ancient Greece
J305.8 BOL Rock of Ages
J305.8 LES Let’s Talk About Race
J305.8 RUB L’Chaim!
J305.8 STE Exploring Chinatown
J306.85 HAN Exploring Families
J306.875 HUG My First Brother or Sister
J306.89 BOD For Better, For Worse
J317.3 WOR World Almanac for Kids 2008
J320.473 LEV State Government (Kaleidoscope)
J323.0973 DIT Knowing Your Civil Rights (A True Book)
J323.1196 MCW A Dream of Freedom
J323.62 DEC Becoming a Citizen (A True Book)
J323.62 SMA Being a Good Citizen
J324.273 LAN Friendly Foes
J324.623 BAU With Courage and Cloth
J325.73 LEV If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island
J325.73 MAE Coming to America
J394.26MER Mary, Come Running
J394.2 SEC It’s Time for Christmas
J398.2 AAR Behind the Back of the Mountain
J398.2 AAR Misoso
J398.2 AAR Pedro & the Padre
J398.2 ARA Aladdin & the Wonderful Lamp
J398.2 ARA Arabian Nights Three Tales
J398.2 ATA Baby Rattlesnake
J398.2 AVL D’Aulaires’ Trolls
J398.2 ARTHUR King Arthur Tales of the Round Table
J398.2 ARTHUR The Road to Camdann
J398.2 ARTHUR The Sword and the Circle
J398.2 BEG Ma’ii & Cousin Horned Toad
J398.2 BEL Moon Was Tired of Walking on Air
J398.2 BRY Beat the Story-Drum, Pum-Pum
J398.2 BRY The Night Has Ears
J398.2 CAD Keepers of Life
J398.2 CAD Keepers of the Animals
J398.2 CAD Keepers of the Earth
J398.2 CAD Keepers of the Night
J398.2 CAR Quail Song (2 copies)
J398.2 CHA The Jack Tales
J398.2 CHO The Baby’s Story Book
J398.2 CLE The Enchanted Caribou
J398.2 CLI Monkey Business
J398.2 COU The Cow-Tail Switch
J398.2 COU Fire on the Mountain
J398.2 CUR A Tiger By The Tail
J398.2 DAL Fair, Brown & Trembling
J398.2 DEA The Boy Who Found the Light
J398.2 DES Thirty-Three Multicultural Tales to Tell
J398.2 DIA The Hatseller & the Monkeys
J398.2 DIA The Hunter & the Crocodile
J.398.2 DIA The Diane Goode Book of American Folk Tales & Songs
J398.2 DIA The Magic Gourd
J398.2 DIX How Raven Brought Light to People
J398.2 DOM The Coyote & the Grasshoppers
J398.2 DOU Why Lapin’s Ears Are Long
J398.2 EAS East of the Sun & West of the Moon
J398.2 ERN The Three Spinning Fairies
J398.2 FAN Mythological Monsters (3 copies)
J398.2 FAN The Chi-Lin Purse
J398.2 FAV Favorite Scary Stories of American Children
J398.2 GER The Iroko-Man
J398.2 GER Only One Cowry
J398.2 GIB Behold… The Unicorns!
J398.2 GOB Crow Chief
J398.2 GOB The Gift of the Sacred Dog
J398.2 GRE Fly, Eagle, Fly! (2 copies)
J398.2 GRI The Frog Prince (2 copies)
J398.2 GRI Snow White
J398.2 GRI Snow White & Rose Red
J398.2 HAL Mountain Jack Tales
J398.2 HAM When Birds Could Talk & Bats Could Sing
J398.2 HAR Jump! The Adventures of Brer Rabbit
J398.2 HAR Jump Again! More Adventures of Brer Rabbit
J398.2 HAS Moaning Bones
J398.2 HAU How Chipmunk Got Tiny Feet
J398.2 HOD The Kitchen Knight
J398.2 HON How the Ox Star Fell From Heaven
J398.2 HOO Moss Gown
J398.2 HUL Native North American Stories
J398.2 HUT Chimney Corner Fairy Tales
J398.2 ISA I Saw Essau
J398.2 JAF The Golden Flower
J398.2 JAF While Standing On One Foot
J398.2 KEN The Wedding of the Rat Family
J398.2 KIM Count Silvernose
J398.2 KIM Days of Awe
J398.2 KIM The Tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
J398.2 KIM The Three Princes
J398.2 KNO A Knock At the Door (Oryx Multicultural Folktale Series)
J398.2 KUR Fire on the Mountain
J398.2 LAT Why There Is No Arguing in Heaven
J398.2 LEV The Boy Who Drew Cats
J398.2 LIV Troubadour’s Storybag
J398.2 LOT Ten Small Tales
J398.2 LUR The Heavenly Zoo (2 copies)
J398.2 MAR Pocketful of Nonsense
J398.2 MAY Star Tales
J398.2 MAY When the World Was Young
J398.2 MCA Japanese Tales & Legends
J398.2 MOO Nabulela
J398.2 MOR The Future of Yen-Tzu
J398.2 NOR The Girl Who Dreamed Only Geese
J398.2 NOR Trickster & the Fainting Birds
J398.2 NOR Who-Paddled-Backward-With-Trout
J398.2 OBE The Wisdom Bird
J398.2 OLS Noah’s Cats & the Devil’s Fire (2 copies)
J398.2 OSH Finn MacCool & the Small Men of Deeds
J398.2 PAU Paul Bunyan/ Shephard
J398.2 PIL Realms of Gold
J398.2 POD Golem: A Giant Made of Mud
J398.2 POW Zinnia: How the Corn Was Saved
J398.2 PRO You Never Know
J398.2 QUA The Shining Princess
J398.2 RAY The Talking Tree
J398.2 ROC The Boy Who Wouldn’t Obey
J398.2 ROC Puss in Boots & Other Stories (3 copies)
J398.2 ROH Atariba & Niguayona
J398.2 ROH How We Came to the Fifth World
J398.2 ROS The People Who Hugged the Trees
J398.2 ROS How Rabbit Tricked Otter
J398.2 ROS How Turtle’s Back Was Cracked
J398.2 SAD Heaven’s Reward
J398.2 SAN The Golden Mare, the Firebird & the Magic Ring
J398.2 SAN Papa Gatto
J398.2 SAN Brave Margaret
J398.2 SAN Fa Mulan
J398.2 SAN Larger Than Life
J398.2 SAN More Short & Shivery
J398.2 SAN Pedro & the Monkey
J398.2 SAN Sootface (2 copies)
J398.2 SAN Sukey & the Mermaid
J398.2 SAN The Talking Eggs
J398.2 SAN A Terrifying Taste of Short & Shivery
J398.2 SAN The Well at the End of the World
J398.2 SCH Kickle Snifters & Other Fearsome Critters
J398.2 SCH Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones (2 copies)
J398.2 SHA More Stories to Solve (3 copies)
J398.2 SHE The King of the Cats
J398.2 SHE Lady White Snake
J398.2 SHE The Sea King’s Daughter: A Russian Legend
J398.2 SIE Tasty Baby Belly Buttons
J398.2 SO Gobble, Gobble, Slip, Slop: A Tale of a Very Greedy Cat
J398.2 UCH The Dancing Kettle
J398.2 VAN Shingebiss: An Ojibwe Legend
J398.2 VUO Sky Legends of Vietnam
J398.2 WAN The Fourth Question: A Chinese Tale
J398.2 WAT Tales from the Bamboo Grove
J398.2 WIE The Loathsome Dragon
J398.2 WIL Clever Beatrice
J398.2 WOL White Wave: A Chinese Tale
J398.2 WOO Wicked Jack
J398.2 YOH Silly Mammo: An Ethiopian Tale
J398.2 YOU The Sons of the Dragon King
J398.2 ZEM Sindbad: In the Land of Giants
J398.21 GRA Grandfather Tales
J398.21 STE A Handful of Beans
J398.22 SAN Young Merlin
J398.22 TAL King Arthur: The Sword in the Stone
J398.22 YOL Merlin & the Dragons
J398.4 GIB The Truth About Unicorns
J398.4 MIL Monsters (Usborne World of the Unknown) (2 copies)
J398.8 AND And the Green Grass Grew All Around
J398.8 EMR The Hodgepodge Book
J398.8 MAM Mama’ Goose: A Latino Nursery Treasury (2 copies)
J398.8 SCO Rhymes for Learning Times
J398.8 TAS Juba This & Juba That
J399 YUE Armor
J421 BER Punctuation
J422 WUL Abracadabra to Zombie
J423 KAU The Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas
J425 HEI Interjections
J425 HEL Behind the Mask
J425 HEL Kites Sail High
J425 HEL Many Luscious Lollipops
J427 ORE Slangalicious
J428 TER It Figures
J428.1 LEE There’s a Frog in My Throat!
J428.1 SCH Open Sesame Picture Dictionary
J428.1 TER The Scholastic Dictionary of Spelling (2 copies)
J443 LAC The Kids Can Press French & English Phrase Book
J447.97294 GRA The Basic Oxford Picture Dictionary: English/Haitian Creole
J463 DIC Diccionario Basico De La Lengua Espanola
J468 ELY Say Hola to Spanish, Otra Vez (Again!)
J492.4 AME First Thousand Words in Hebrew
J492.73 SHA The Oxford Picture Dictionary: English/Arabic
J495.1 NAK Let’s Go! (Chinese)
J500 THI The Sky’s the Limit
J507 BOM Science Fair Success Revised and Expanded (2 copies)
J507 BON Botany: 49 Science Fair Projects (2 copies)
J507 BRO Bubbles Rainbows & Worms
J507 COB Don’t Try This At Home! Science Fun for Kids on the Go
J560 LAU Dinosaurs Walked Here
J560 SEL Strange Creatures that Really Lived
J567.9 MAR Outside & Inside Dinosaurs
J567.91 ALI Dinosaurs Are Different
J567.97 SAT Pterosaurs, The Flying Reptiles
J574 SAN Summer (Discovering the Seasons)
J574.5264 DOR Rainforest Secrets (3 copies)
J574.5264 MUT Our Endangered Planet: Tropical Rain Forests (2 copies)
J582.16 PET Peterson First Guides: Trees
J591.92 COL The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor (2 copies)
J595.7 PAR Bugs (5 copies)
J597.3 PRI Sharks! Strange & Wonderful
J597.31 ARN Watch Out for Sharks!
J597.31 BAR Sharks (Picture Library) (2 copies)
J598.44 ARN Penguin
J599.2 ARN Kangaroo
J599.323 GEO Beaver at Long Pond
J599.884 PAT Koko’s Kitten
JB Aaron Hank Aaron: Brave in Every Way
JB Adbul-Jabbar Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Sports Immortals)
JB Anastasia Anastasia’s Album
JB Andersen The Perfect Wizard: Hans Christian Andersen
JB Anderson What I Had Was Singing
JB Andrews Dragon Boats & Dinosaur Eggs
JB Anthony Marc Anthony (Real-Life Reader Biography)
JB Armstrong If I Only Had a Horn
JB Arnold Benedict Arnold: Revolutionary War Hero & Traitor
JB Audubon The Boy Who Drew Birds
JB Bach Sebastian: A Book About Bach
JB Barnum The Greatest Show On Earth
JB Bearden Romare Bearden
JB Bly The Daring Nellie Bly
JB Bohr Neils Bohr: Physicist & Humanitarian
JB Bonds Barry Bonds: Record Breaker
JB Boone Daniel Boone/Lawlor
JB Brady Hannah’s Suitcase
JB Bridges Through My Eyes
JB Brown The Heroine of the Titanic
JB Bush George W. Bush (Our Presidents)
JB Calvert Leonard Calvert & the Maryland Adventure
JB Chapman John Chapman: The Man Who Was Johnny Appleseed
JB Chapman The Story of Johnnhy Appleseed
JB Cisneros Evelyn Cisneros: Prima Ballerina
JB Clarke Eugenie Clark: Adventures of a Shark Scientist
JB Cleary My Own Two Feet
JB Clemente Roberto Clemente: Baseball Superstar
JB Cleopatra Cleopatra: Goddess of Egypt, Enemy of Rome
JB Clinton William J. Clinton (Our Presidents)
JB Columbus The Voyages of Columbus
JB DePaola 26 Fairmount Avenue (3 copies)
JB Depaola Here We All Are (2 copies)
JB DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio: The Unofficial Biography
JB Didrikson Babe Didrikson: Athlete of the Century
JB Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar – A Poet to Remember
JB Earhart A Picture Book of Amelia Earhart
JB Ewing Patrick Ewing
JB Ford We’ll Race You, Henry
JB Foudy On the Field With… Julie Foudy
JB Frank Anne Frank/Hurwitz (2 copies)
JB Frank A Picture Book of Anne Frank
JB Fulton Robert Fulton
JB Galileo Galileo/Fisher
JB Galileo Galileo & the Universe
JB Grant Ulysses S. Grant (Our Presidents)
JB Haskins Francine Haskins
JB Hickok Wild Bill Hickok/Rosa
JB Howe Julia Ward Howe (American Lives)
JB Ishi Ishi: Last of His Tribe
JB Jackson The World of Young Andrew Jackson
JB Jacobs I Was Born A Slave
JB Jefferson Thomas Jefferson: Father of Our Democracy
JB Jones John Paul Jones & the American Navy
JB Jones John Paul Jones/Stanley
JB Keats Ezra Jack Keats: A biography with Illustrations
JB Kennedy A Twilight Struggle
JB Knight Marvelous Mattie
JB Lafayette Why Not, Lafayette?
JB Lange Dorothea Lange/Turner
JB Lartigue Jacques-Henri Lartigue
JB Lee Robert E. Lee/Weidhorn
JB Leitner The Big Lie: a True Story
JB Lemieux Sports Great: Mario Lemieux
JB Leonardo Leonardo Da Vinci/Stanley (2 copies)
JB Leonardo Leonardo Da Vinci: Artist, Inventor & Scientist…
JB Leonardo Leonardo Da Vinci (Famous Artists)
JB Lewis C.S. Lewis: Chistian & Storyteller
JB Lincoln A Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln (2 copies)
JB Love The Story of Nat Love
JB Ludington Sybil’s Night Ride
JB Maddux Greg Maddux (Sports Stars)
JB Magellan Ferdinand Magellan & the Discovery of the World Ocean
JB Magellan Ferdinand Magellan & the First Voyage Around the World
JB Mandela Mandela: From the Life of the South African Statesman (2 copies)
JB Mankiller Wilma Mankiller:Chief of the Cherokee Nation
JB Marshall A Picture Book of Thurgood Marshall (2 copies)
JB Martin Ricky Martin (Real-Life Reader Biography)
JB Martinez Pedro Martinez (Latinos in Baseball)
JB Mawson After the Last Dog Died
JB Mcauliffe Christa McAuliffe: A Space Biography
JB McCoy The Real McCoy (2 copies)
JB Mead Margaret Mead (trailblazers of the Modern World)
JB Meitner Lise Meitner: Pioneer of Nuclear Fission
JB Mocieanu Dominique Moceanu: An American Champion
JB Moody Little Britches
JB Moses Grandma Moses/Wallner
JB Moses Grandma Moses: Painter of Rural America
JB Mozart Amadeus Mozart/Lepscky
JB Mozart Introducing Mozart
JB Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/Greene
JB Nakahama Shipwrecked!
JB Newton Isaac Newton and Gravity
JB Nice Margaret Morse Nice: Birds in the Bushes
JB Oakley Little Sure Shot: the Story of Annie Oakley
JB O’Connor Sandra Day O’Connor: Justice for All
JB O’Connor Sandra Day O’Connor: Lawyer & Supreme Court Justice
JB Odonell Rosie Odonell: Talk Show Host & Comedian
JB O’neal NBA Superstar Shaquille O’Neal (2 copies)
JB Palmeiro Rafael Palmeiro (Real-Life Reader Biography)
JB Parker Seneca Chief, Army General: Ely Parker
JB Parker Freedom River
JB Parker Quanah Parker: Commanche Warrior
JB Parks Rosa Parks/Greenfield
JB Parks I Am Rosa Parks (3 copies)
JB Paulsen Gary Paulsen: Author and Wilderness Adventurer (2 copies)
JB Peet Bill Peet: An Autobiography (2 copies)
JB Peter Peter the Great/Stanley
JB Petit The Man Who Walked Between the Towers
JB Pickett Bill Pickett: Rodeo-Ridin’ Cowboy (3 copies)
JB Pizarro Francisco Pizarro/Donaldson-Forbes
JB Pizarro Francisco Pizarro & the Conquest of the Inca
JB Pocahontas Pocahontas/D’Aulaire
JB Ponce Juan Ponce De Leon & the Search for the Fountain of Youth
JB Potter Beatrix Potter: The Country Artist
JB Radcliffe Daniel Radcliffe: No Ordinary Wizard
JB Rankin Jeannette Rankin: First Lady of Congress
JB Rector Anne Elizabeth’s Diary
JB Reeve Christopher Reeve/Hughes
JB Ride Sally Ride: First American Woman in Space
JB Rimes Leann Rimes/Zymet
JB Ripken Cal Ripken, Jr./Campbell
JB Ripken Cal Ripken Jr.: Baseball’s Iron Man
JB Ripken Cal Ripken Jr.: Count Me In
JB Ripken Cal Ripken Jr.: Play Ball!
JB Roosevelt Eleanor
JB Roosevelt Eleanor Everywhere
JB Roosevelt Franklin & Eleanor
JB Rosenfeld Bobbie Rosenfeld: The Olympian Who Could Do Anything
JB Ross Betsy Ross: Patriot of Philadelphia
JB Rowling Conversations with J.K. Rowling
JB Sacagawea Sacagawea: Westward with Lewis and Clark
JB Siegal Upon the Head of a Goat
JB Siegel To Dance: A Ballerina’s Graphic Novel (3 copies)
JB Sosa Sammy Sosa (Latinos in Baseball)
JB Spinelli Knots in My Yo-Yo String
JB Squanto Squanto & the First Thanksgiving (3 copies)
JB Stanton The Ballot Box Battle
JB Stanton The Road to Seneca Falls
JB Stetson Boss of the Plains
JB Strug Heart of Gold
JB Szold Henriette Szold: Isreal’s Helping Hand
JB Teresa Mother Teresa/Demi
JB Tereshkova Valentina Tereshkova: First Woman in Space
JB Thomas Johnathan Taylor Thomas
JB Tillage Leon’s Story
JB Tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien: The Man Who Created the Lord of the Rings
JB Twain American Boy: The Adventures of Mark Twain
JB Twain A Brilliant Streak: The Making of Mark Twain
JB Twain Mark Twain for Kids
JB Washington George Washington & the Founding of a Nation
JB Watt James Watt & the Steam Engine
JB Welch Dr. Welch & the Great Grape Story
JB West The Boy Who Loved to Draw
JB White To the Point: A story about E. B. White
JB Whiteley Only Opal
JB Whitestone Heather Whitestone/Wheeler
JB Whitmore Rookie
JB Williams On the Court with Venus & Serena Williams
JB Winthrop John Winthrop: Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
JB Wright Frank Lloyd Wright: Maverick Architect
JB Wyeth First Impressions: Andrew Wyeth
JB Yolen A Letter from Phoenix Farm

Please email me before December 1st at if you'd like any of these copies.

Cheers :)

Anne Gerlach

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MJP J Biography Requests

Hello all --

Does anyone happen to have a spare copy of the following books?

Mohandas K. Gandhi (Overcoming Diversity)
Martha Graham, A Dancer's Life
Escape! The Story of the Great Houdini

Please let me know by October 1st if you do. Thanks!

Cheers :)

Anne Gerlach

Check out our giveaways!

Hi Everyone!

Take a look at the items checked out in the "Fairland J Giveaways"account in Workflows -- there are all kinds of spiffy items here, including plenty of titles on the J-nonfiction Redevelopment order! Just let me or Kathleen Reid know before the end of October if there are any titles you'd like and we'll send them on over to you (hopefully that's enough time to see what we've got and what you need).


Anne Gerlach

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The updated List of MJP's J Fiction Offerings

Here is an updated list of what the Marilyn J. Praisner Branch library has to offer in our J Fiction Collection:

The Marilyn J. Praisner Branch Library would like to offer a copy (or two) of the following J fiction titles:
Avi Crispin: the Cross of Lead
Avi The Gawgon and the Boy
Bellairs The Treasure of Alpheus Winterborn
Billingsly Well-Wished
Birdsall The Penderwicks
Blume Fudge-a-Mania
Brooks Freddy and the Baseball Team from Mars
Bruchac The Warriors
Byars The Dark Stairs
Butler Trading Places with Tank Talbott
Carbone Sarah and the Naked Truth
Carbone Storm Warriors
Coerr Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
Collier The Empty Mirror
Collins Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods
Collins Gregor and the Marks of Secret
Cooper King of Shadows
Corder Lion Boy: The Chase
Corder Lion Boy: The Truth
Creech Heartbeat
Creech The Wanderer
DeGross Donovan’s Word Jar
DiCamillo Because of Winn-Dixie
DiCamillo Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride
DiCamillo The Tale of Despereaux
Dowell Where I’d Like to Be
Duane A Wizard Alone
Duane Wizard's Dilemma
Duane Wizard's Holiday
Duffey Spotlight on Cody
Eckert Incident at Hawk's Hill
Elliott The Transmogrification of Roscoe Wizzle
Ellis The Breadwinner
Ellis The Seven Lives of Orphan Jack
Erdich The Game of Silence
Farmer A Girl Named Disaster
Fleischman The Giant Rat of Sumatra or Pirates Galore
Freedman Brothers: a Hebrew Legend
Gannett Elmer and the Dragon
Gannett The Dragons of Blueland
Gantos Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key
George On the Far Side of the Mountain
Getz Floating Home
Giff Nory Ryan's Song
Gipson Old Yeller
A Glory of Unicorns
Going The Liberation of Gabriel King
Greenburg Claws
Greene Summer of My German Soldier
Grimm (Lesser) Hansel and Gretel
Guest Iris and Walter
Guest Iris and Walter: True Friends
Haas Runaway Radish
Haddix Among the Barons
Haddix Among the Enemy
Hahn As Ever, Gordy
Hahn Daphne’s Book
Hahn Doll in the Garden
Hahn House on the Gulf
Hahn The Old Willis Place
Hahn Promises to the Dead
Heneghan Flood
Hennessey Once Upon a Time Map Book
Hershey My Big Sister Is So Bossy ….
Hesse Witness
Hobbs Defiance
Holt My Louisiana Sky
Holt When Zachary Beaver Came to Town
Howe Bunnicula Strikes Again
Hurwitz Superduper Teddy
Ibbotson The Beasts of Clawstone Castle
Ibbotson Dial a Ghost
Ibbotson The Haunting of Granite Falls
Ibbotson Journey to the River Sea
Ibbotson Not Just a Witch
Irving Rip Van Winkle
Jacques Mossflower
Jacques Rakkety Tam
Jacques A Redwall Winter's Tale
Jacques Triss
Jarvis The Crystal Prison
Jarvis The Dark Portal
Jarvis The Final Reckoning
Jones Conrad's Fate
Joseph The Color of My Words
Kellogg Paul Bunyan
Kindl Goose Chase
Klise Deliver Us From Normal
Kroll Mary Mclean and the St. Patrick's Day Surprise
Krumgold Onion John
Lawrence The Pirates of Pompeii
Lawrence The Secrets of Vesuvius
Lawrence The Twelve Tasks of Flavia Gemina
Levine Cinderellis and the Glass Hill
Levine The Fairy's Mistake
Levine The Princess Test
Levine Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep
Lewis The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Lindbergh The People in Pineapple Place
Lisle Copper
Love The Puppeteer’s Apprentice
Manes Be a Perfect Person in Just 3 Days
Martin The Meanest Doll in the World
Martin Knots on a Counting Rope
McCall Akimbo and the Elephants
McGill Miles' Song
McKay Indigo's Star
Morpurgo Kensuke's Kingdom
Naylor The Great Chicken Debacle
Naylor Shiloh
Nix Drowned Wednesday
Nixon Gus and Gertie and the Lucky Charms
Papademetriou Sixth Grade Glommers, Norks and Me
Park When My Name Was Keoko
Peck A Year Down Yonder
Pierce First Test
Pierce Page
Pinkwater Irving and Muktuk Two Bad Bears
Pinkwater Looking for Bobowicz
Quattlebaum Grover G. Graham and Me
Raskin The Westing Game
Rector Tria and the Great Star Rescue
Reeder Captain Kate
Reiche Ghost Ship
Reiss Time Windows
Roberts The View from the Cherry Tree
Robinet Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule
Robinson The Best Halloween Ever
Rodowsky Not My Dog
Rupp The Dragon of Lonely Island
Rupp The Return of the Dragon
Said The Outlaw Varjak Paw
Said Varjak Paw
San Souci The Boy and the Ghost
Sanvoisin The Ink Drinker
Sanvoisin Little Red Ink Drinker
Say The Bicycle Man
Schroeder Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman
Scieszka Baloney (Henry P.)
Scieszka The Stinky Cheese Man and other Fairly Stupid Tales
Seidler Brainboy and the Deathmaster
Selden Tucker's Countryside
Shreve Trout and Me
Shriver What's Happening to Grandpa
Sierra The House that Drac Built
Sleator Rewind
Smith Cryptid Hunters
Speare Sign of the Beaver
Spinelli Maniac Magee
Spinelli Wringer
Spinner Aliens for Dinner
Spinner Be First in the Universe
Spinner Expiration Date: Never
Stevenson The Mud Flat Mystery
Stroud The Golem's Eye
Stroud Ptolemy's Gate
Tate The Secret of Gumbo Grove
Taylor The Friendship
Taylor Ice Drift
Thurber Many Moons
Tripping Over the Lunch Lady and Other School Stories
Tullock Weird Stuff
Unexpected: 11 Mysterious Stories
Voigt Dicey's Song
Wallace The Perils of the Peppermints
Walsh The Green Book
Walter The Suitcase
Wells Timothy’s Tales From Hilltop School
Whybrow Little Wolf, Forest Detective
Whybrow Little Wolf, Pack Leader
Wiles Each Little Bird That Sings
Wilhelm The Revealers
Williams Library Lil
Winerip Adam Canfield of the Slash
Winterson Tanglewreck
Winthrop Castle in the Attic
Wisniewski Tough Cookie
Woodruff The Ravenmaster's Secret
Wright Christina’s Ghost
Wright The Dollhouse Murders
Yep Cockroach Cooties
Yolen Wizard's Hall

Yolen The Wizard's Map

Please let me know by September 18th via my gmail if you'd like any of these titles.

Cheers :)

Anne Gerlach

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

OFFER - Pleasurable Kingdom by Jonathan Balcombe

GT's FOL bought two copies of this title to support an author event. We don't need them here - anyone interested?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Offer: Nonfiction J books

Noyes has three books on offer:

What you will see in a synagogue by Rabbi Lawurence A. Hoffman, etc.
Remember: the journey to school integration by Toni Morrison
Folk Costumes of the World by Robert Harrold, etc.

Susan Modak

Monday, August 4, 2008

OFFER: CD Audio Books (Nonfiction)

The World Without Us (2 copies)
DNA: The Secret of Life by James D. Watson
Giving by Bill Clinton (2 copies)

Claim them by 8/15.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

OFFER: 10 Adult Fiction Titles

Books are in good to excellent condition:

Blaze by Richard Bachman
Loose Lips by Claire Berlinski
Thanksgiving Night by Richard Bausch
Company by Max Barry
Uncle Rudolph by Paul Bailey
Wake Up, Sir! by Jonathan Ames
Which Brings Me To You by Steve Almond
The Wonder Spot by Melissa Bank
Away by Amy Bloom (2 copies)

Monday, July 14, 2008

TAKEN: Several Large Type Items

Ordinary Heroes, Small Island, The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, and Portuguese Irregular Verbs are now taken. Get these Large Type beauties before they're all gone!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

OFFER: Large Type

Marilyn J. Praisner Branch has 22 good to excellent condition Large Type books that need new homes. Let me know which ones you want by 7/24, and I'll send them your way.

More Than Friends by Barbara Delinsky
Anyone But You by Jennifer Cruise
The Painted Drum by Louise Erdrich
Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanowich
The Lighthouse by P.D. James
After This Alice McDermott
Portuguese Irregular Verbs by Alexander McCall Smith
Blue Screen by Robert B. Parker
Dead Midnight by Marcia Muller
Ordinary Heroes by Scott Turow
Happiness Sold Separately by Lolly Winston
Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon
On the Run by Iris Johansen
A Lady of Expectations by Stephanie Laurens
The Hunt Club by John Lescroart
Mr. Paradise by Elmore Leonard
Small Island by Andrea Levy
A Spectacle of Corruption by David Liss
Out of the Blue by Sally Mandel
High Country Fall by Margaret Maron
Swan by Frances Mayes
The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Item discharged: needs to be transferred...again

Hi. We are getting items returned in delivery tubs that should be floating and not coming back. When checked in here, it says "Item not charged," but if one checks the status, it actually is reshelving at the branch to which it was returned. You have to click on "transfer item" to get it to show our branch. Two questions...1) why are they coming back and not floating and 2) must receiving branches check item status for everything that shows "item not charged" when checking in now? That seems like a lot of extra work.
Ann for GT staff