Wednesday, October 29, 2008

MJP Nonfiction Giveaways

Hi All!

The Marilyn J. Praisner Branch Library has the following list of J nonfiction giveaways thus far:

J001.942 HER The Mystery of UFOs
J004.6 MAC An Introduction to Web Site Design
J004.6 RAA Safety on the Internet
J133.4 BUR The Salem Witch Trials
J133.4 SAV Wizards: An Amazing Journey …
J152.148 WIC Walter Wick’s Optical Tricks
J152.4 CRI What to Do When You’re Scared & Worried
J155.937 DEN After You Lose Someone You Love
J220.95 DEL Reader’s Digest Bible for Children (2 copies)
J220.95 PIL The Kingfisher Children’s Bible
J220.95 TUR The Bible Story
J221.92 MAN Daughters of Fire: Heroines of the Bible
J221.95 GER The Shadow of a Flying Bird
J222.11 PIN Noah’s Ark (2 copies)
J291 GLO The Kids Book of World Religions
J291.13 PHI Mythology (Eyewitness Books)
J292 HUT The Trojan Horse
J292 LOW The Macmillan Book of Greek Gods & Heroes
J292 MAL Gods & Goddesses
J292 MCC Greek Myths
J292 ROC The One-Eyed Giant & Other Monsters From the Greek Myths
J292 SWI Greek Myths Gods, Heroes & Monsters…
J292 USH Heroes, Gods & Emperors from Roman Mythology
J293 PHI Odin’s Family
J296 WOO Judaism (World Religions)
J296.4 CHA Menorahs, Mazuzas & Other Jewish Symbols
J296.4 EHR The Story of Hanukkah (2 copies)
J296.4 GOL The Passover Journey
J296.4 GRO Celebrate: A Book of Jewish Holidays
J296.4 HOF What You Will See Inside a Synagogue
J296.4 HOY Celebrating Hanukkah
J296.4 NER Purim
J296.4 SIM The Story of Passover
J296.44 WIL Baby’s Bris
J296.65 ROS The Old Synagogue
J297 MOR Islam (World of Beliefs)
J297 WIL Islam (Eyewitness)
J299.31 FIS The Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
J299.31 HAR Gods & Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology
J299.31 MOR Egyptian Myths
J302.34 BUR Playground Survival
J303.625 PEP Terrorism Alert!
J303.69 NEL Working With Others
J305.23 GIR Girls Know Best
J305.23 GIR Girls Know Best 2
J305.23 GIR Girls Know Best 3
J305.23 LIF A Life Like Mine
J305.23 MAK Making It Home
J305.4 HEI Amazing Women in American History
J305.4 MAC Women in Ancient Rome
J305.4 MAC Women in Medieval Times
J305.42 BLU Bloomers!
J305.42 MAC Women in Ancient Egypt
J305.42 MAC Women in Ancient Greece
J305.8 BOL Rock of Ages
J305.8 LES Let’s Talk About Race
J305.8 RUB L’Chaim!
J305.8 STE Exploring Chinatown
J306.85 HAN Exploring Families
J306.875 HUG My First Brother or Sister
J306.89 BOD For Better, For Worse
J317.3 WOR World Almanac for Kids 2008
J320.473 LEV State Government (Kaleidoscope)
J323.0973 DIT Knowing Your Civil Rights (A True Book)
J323.1196 MCW A Dream of Freedom
J323.62 DEC Becoming a Citizen (A True Book)
J323.62 SMA Being a Good Citizen
J324.273 LAN Friendly Foes
J324.623 BAU With Courage and Cloth
J325.73 LEV If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island
J325.73 MAE Coming to America
J394.26MER Mary, Come Running
J394.2 SEC It’s Time for Christmas
J398.2 AAR Behind the Back of the Mountain
J398.2 AAR Misoso
J398.2 AAR Pedro & the Padre
J398.2 ARA Aladdin & the Wonderful Lamp
J398.2 ARA Arabian Nights Three Tales
J398.2 ATA Baby Rattlesnake
J398.2 AVL D’Aulaires’ Trolls
J398.2 ARTHUR King Arthur Tales of the Round Table
J398.2 ARTHUR The Road to Camdann
J398.2 ARTHUR The Sword and the Circle
J398.2 BEG Ma’ii & Cousin Horned Toad
J398.2 BEL Moon Was Tired of Walking on Air
J398.2 BRY Beat the Story-Drum, Pum-Pum
J398.2 BRY The Night Has Ears
J398.2 CAD Keepers of Life
J398.2 CAD Keepers of the Animals
J398.2 CAD Keepers of the Earth
J398.2 CAD Keepers of the Night
J398.2 CAR Quail Song (2 copies)
J398.2 CHA The Jack Tales
J398.2 CHO The Baby’s Story Book
J398.2 CLE The Enchanted Caribou
J398.2 CLI Monkey Business
J398.2 COU The Cow-Tail Switch
J398.2 COU Fire on the Mountain
J398.2 CUR A Tiger By The Tail
J398.2 DAL Fair, Brown & Trembling
J398.2 DEA The Boy Who Found the Light
J398.2 DES Thirty-Three Multicultural Tales to Tell
J398.2 DIA The Hatseller & the Monkeys
J398.2 DIA The Hunter & the Crocodile
J.398.2 DIA The Diane Goode Book of American Folk Tales & Songs
J398.2 DIA The Magic Gourd
J398.2 DIX How Raven Brought Light to People
J398.2 DOM The Coyote & the Grasshoppers
J398.2 DOU Why Lapin’s Ears Are Long
J398.2 EAS East of the Sun & West of the Moon
J398.2 ERN The Three Spinning Fairies
J398.2 FAN Mythological Monsters (3 copies)
J398.2 FAN The Chi-Lin Purse
J398.2 FAV Favorite Scary Stories of American Children
J398.2 GER The Iroko-Man
J398.2 GER Only One Cowry
J398.2 GIB Behold… The Unicorns!
J398.2 GOB Crow Chief
J398.2 GOB The Gift of the Sacred Dog
J398.2 GRE Fly, Eagle, Fly! (2 copies)
J398.2 GRI The Frog Prince (2 copies)
J398.2 GRI Snow White
J398.2 GRI Snow White & Rose Red
J398.2 HAL Mountain Jack Tales
J398.2 HAM When Birds Could Talk & Bats Could Sing
J398.2 HAR Jump! The Adventures of Brer Rabbit
J398.2 HAR Jump Again! More Adventures of Brer Rabbit
J398.2 HAS Moaning Bones
J398.2 HAU How Chipmunk Got Tiny Feet
J398.2 HOD The Kitchen Knight
J398.2 HON How the Ox Star Fell From Heaven
J398.2 HOO Moss Gown
J398.2 HUL Native North American Stories
J398.2 HUT Chimney Corner Fairy Tales
J398.2 ISA I Saw Essau
J398.2 JAF The Golden Flower
J398.2 JAF While Standing On One Foot
J398.2 KEN The Wedding of the Rat Family
J398.2 KIM Count Silvernose
J398.2 KIM Days of Awe
J398.2 KIM The Tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
J398.2 KIM The Three Princes
J398.2 KNO A Knock At the Door (Oryx Multicultural Folktale Series)
J398.2 KUR Fire on the Mountain
J398.2 LAT Why There Is No Arguing in Heaven
J398.2 LEV The Boy Who Drew Cats
J398.2 LIV Troubadour’s Storybag
J398.2 LOT Ten Small Tales
J398.2 LUR The Heavenly Zoo (2 copies)
J398.2 MAR Pocketful of Nonsense
J398.2 MAY Star Tales
J398.2 MAY When the World Was Young
J398.2 MCA Japanese Tales & Legends
J398.2 MOO Nabulela
J398.2 MOR The Future of Yen-Tzu
J398.2 NOR The Girl Who Dreamed Only Geese
J398.2 NOR Trickster & the Fainting Birds
J398.2 NOR Who-Paddled-Backward-With-Trout
J398.2 OBE The Wisdom Bird
J398.2 OLS Noah’s Cats & the Devil’s Fire (2 copies)
J398.2 OSH Finn MacCool & the Small Men of Deeds
J398.2 PAU Paul Bunyan/ Shephard
J398.2 PIL Realms of Gold
J398.2 POD Golem: A Giant Made of Mud
J398.2 POW Zinnia: How the Corn Was Saved
J398.2 PRO You Never Know
J398.2 QUA The Shining Princess
J398.2 RAY The Talking Tree
J398.2 ROC The Boy Who Wouldn’t Obey
J398.2 ROC Puss in Boots & Other Stories (3 copies)
J398.2 ROH Atariba & Niguayona
J398.2 ROH How We Came to the Fifth World
J398.2 ROS The People Who Hugged the Trees
J398.2 ROS How Rabbit Tricked Otter
J398.2 ROS How Turtle’s Back Was Cracked
J398.2 SAD Heaven’s Reward
J398.2 SAN The Golden Mare, the Firebird & the Magic Ring
J398.2 SAN Papa Gatto
J398.2 SAN Brave Margaret
J398.2 SAN Fa Mulan
J398.2 SAN Larger Than Life
J398.2 SAN More Short & Shivery
J398.2 SAN Pedro & the Monkey
J398.2 SAN Sootface (2 copies)
J398.2 SAN Sukey & the Mermaid
J398.2 SAN The Talking Eggs
J398.2 SAN A Terrifying Taste of Short & Shivery
J398.2 SAN The Well at the End of the World
J398.2 SCH Kickle Snifters & Other Fearsome Critters
J398.2 SCH Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones (2 copies)
J398.2 SHA More Stories to Solve (3 copies)
J398.2 SHE The King of the Cats
J398.2 SHE Lady White Snake
J398.2 SHE The Sea King’s Daughter: A Russian Legend
J398.2 SIE Tasty Baby Belly Buttons
J398.2 SO Gobble, Gobble, Slip, Slop: A Tale of a Very Greedy Cat
J398.2 UCH The Dancing Kettle
J398.2 VAN Shingebiss: An Ojibwe Legend
J398.2 VUO Sky Legends of Vietnam
J398.2 WAN The Fourth Question: A Chinese Tale
J398.2 WAT Tales from the Bamboo Grove
J398.2 WIE The Loathsome Dragon
J398.2 WIL Clever Beatrice
J398.2 WOL White Wave: A Chinese Tale
J398.2 WOO Wicked Jack
J398.2 YOH Silly Mammo: An Ethiopian Tale
J398.2 YOU The Sons of the Dragon King
J398.2 ZEM Sindbad: In the Land of Giants
J398.21 GRA Grandfather Tales
J398.21 STE A Handful of Beans
J398.22 SAN Young Merlin
J398.22 TAL King Arthur: The Sword in the Stone
J398.22 YOL Merlin & the Dragons
J398.4 GIB The Truth About Unicorns
J398.4 MIL Monsters (Usborne World of the Unknown) (2 copies)
J398.8 AND And the Green Grass Grew All Around
J398.8 EMR The Hodgepodge Book
J398.8 MAM Mama’ Goose: A Latino Nursery Treasury (2 copies)
J398.8 SCO Rhymes for Learning Times
J398.8 TAS Juba This & Juba That
J399 YUE Armor
J421 BER Punctuation
J422 WUL Abracadabra to Zombie
J423 KAU The Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas
J425 HEI Interjections
J425 HEL Behind the Mask
J425 HEL Kites Sail High
J425 HEL Many Luscious Lollipops
J427 ORE Slangalicious
J428 TER It Figures
J428.1 LEE There’s a Frog in My Throat!
J428.1 SCH Open Sesame Picture Dictionary
J428.1 TER The Scholastic Dictionary of Spelling (2 copies)
J443 LAC The Kids Can Press French & English Phrase Book
J447.97294 GRA The Basic Oxford Picture Dictionary: English/Haitian Creole
J463 DIC Diccionario Basico De La Lengua Espanola
J468 ELY Say Hola to Spanish, Otra Vez (Again!)
J492.4 AME First Thousand Words in Hebrew
J492.73 SHA The Oxford Picture Dictionary: English/Arabic
J495.1 NAK Let’s Go! (Chinese)
J500 THI The Sky’s the Limit
J507 BOM Science Fair Success Revised and Expanded (2 copies)
J507 BON Botany: 49 Science Fair Projects (2 copies)
J507 BRO Bubbles Rainbows & Worms
J507 COB Don’t Try This At Home! Science Fun for Kids on the Go
J560 LAU Dinosaurs Walked Here
J560 SEL Strange Creatures that Really Lived
J567.9 MAR Outside & Inside Dinosaurs
J567.91 ALI Dinosaurs Are Different
J567.97 SAT Pterosaurs, The Flying Reptiles
J574 SAN Summer (Discovering the Seasons)
J574.5264 DOR Rainforest Secrets (3 copies)
J574.5264 MUT Our Endangered Planet: Tropical Rain Forests (2 copies)
J582.16 PET Peterson First Guides: Trees
J591.92 COL The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor (2 copies)
J595.7 PAR Bugs (5 copies)
J597.3 PRI Sharks! Strange & Wonderful
J597.31 ARN Watch Out for Sharks!
J597.31 BAR Sharks (Picture Library) (2 copies)
J598.44 ARN Penguin
J599.2 ARN Kangaroo
J599.323 GEO Beaver at Long Pond
J599.884 PAT Koko’s Kitten
JB Aaron Hank Aaron: Brave in Every Way
JB Adbul-Jabbar Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Sports Immortals)
JB Anastasia Anastasia’s Album
JB Andersen The Perfect Wizard: Hans Christian Andersen
JB Anderson What I Had Was Singing
JB Andrews Dragon Boats & Dinosaur Eggs
JB Anthony Marc Anthony (Real-Life Reader Biography)
JB Armstrong If I Only Had a Horn
JB Arnold Benedict Arnold: Revolutionary War Hero & Traitor
JB Audubon The Boy Who Drew Birds
JB Bach Sebastian: A Book About Bach
JB Barnum The Greatest Show On Earth
JB Bearden Romare Bearden
JB Bly The Daring Nellie Bly
JB Bohr Neils Bohr: Physicist & Humanitarian
JB Bonds Barry Bonds: Record Breaker
JB Boone Daniel Boone/Lawlor
JB Brady Hannah’s Suitcase
JB Bridges Through My Eyes
JB Brown The Heroine of the Titanic
JB Bush George W. Bush (Our Presidents)
JB Calvert Leonard Calvert & the Maryland Adventure
JB Chapman John Chapman: The Man Who Was Johnny Appleseed
JB Chapman The Story of Johnnhy Appleseed
JB Cisneros Evelyn Cisneros: Prima Ballerina
JB Clarke Eugenie Clark: Adventures of a Shark Scientist
JB Cleary My Own Two Feet
JB Clemente Roberto Clemente: Baseball Superstar
JB Cleopatra Cleopatra: Goddess of Egypt, Enemy of Rome
JB Clinton William J. Clinton (Our Presidents)
JB Columbus The Voyages of Columbus
JB DePaola 26 Fairmount Avenue (3 copies)
JB Depaola Here We All Are (2 copies)
JB DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio: The Unofficial Biography
JB Didrikson Babe Didrikson: Athlete of the Century
JB Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar – A Poet to Remember
JB Earhart A Picture Book of Amelia Earhart
JB Ewing Patrick Ewing
JB Ford We’ll Race You, Henry
JB Foudy On the Field With… Julie Foudy
JB Frank Anne Frank/Hurwitz (2 copies)
JB Frank A Picture Book of Anne Frank
JB Fulton Robert Fulton
JB Galileo Galileo/Fisher
JB Galileo Galileo & the Universe
JB Grant Ulysses S. Grant (Our Presidents)
JB Haskins Francine Haskins
JB Hickok Wild Bill Hickok/Rosa
JB Howe Julia Ward Howe (American Lives)
JB Ishi Ishi: Last of His Tribe
JB Jackson The World of Young Andrew Jackson
JB Jacobs I Was Born A Slave
JB Jefferson Thomas Jefferson: Father of Our Democracy
JB Jones John Paul Jones & the American Navy
JB Jones John Paul Jones/Stanley
JB Keats Ezra Jack Keats: A biography with Illustrations
JB Kennedy A Twilight Struggle
JB Knight Marvelous Mattie
JB Lafayette Why Not, Lafayette?
JB Lange Dorothea Lange/Turner
JB Lartigue Jacques-Henri Lartigue
JB Lee Robert E. Lee/Weidhorn
JB Leitner The Big Lie: a True Story
JB Lemieux Sports Great: Mario Lemieux
JB Leonardo Leonardo Da Vinci/Stanley (2 copies)
JB Leonardo Leonardo Da Vinci: Artist, Inventor & Scientist…
JB Leonardo Leonardo Da Vinci (Famous Artists)
JB Lewis C.S. Lewis: Chistian & Storyteller
JB Lincoln A Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln (2 copies)
JB Love The Story of Nat Love
JB Ludington Sybil’s Night Ride
JB Maddux Greg Maddux (Sports Stars)
JB Magellan Ferdinand Magellan & the Discovery of the World Ocean
JB Magellan Ferdinand Magellan & the First Voyage Around the World
JB Mandela Mandela: From the Life of the South African Statesman (2 copies)
JB Mankiller Wilma Mankiller:Chief of the Cherokee Nation
JB Marshall A Picture Book of Thurgood Marshall (2 copies)
JB Martin Ricky Martin (Real-Life Reader Biography)
JB Martinez Pedro Martinez (Latinos in Baseball)
JB Mawson After the Last Dog Died
JB Mcauliffe Christa McAuliffe: A Space Biography
JB McCoy The Real McCoy (2 copies)
JB Mead Margaret Mead (trailblazers of the Modern World)
JB Meitner Lise Meitner: Pioneer of Nuclear Fission
JB Mocieanu Dominique Moceanu: An American Champion
JB Moody Little Britches
JB Moses Grandma Moses/Wallner
JB Moses Grandma Moses: Painter of Rural America
JB Mozart Amadeus Mozart/Lepscky
JB Mozart Introducing Mozart
JB Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/Greene
JB Nakahama Shipwrecked!
JB Newton Isaac Newton and Gravity
JB Nice Margaret Morse Nice: Birds in the Bushes
JB Oakley Little Sure Shot: the Story of Annie Oakley
JB O’Connor Sandra Day O’Connor: Justice for All
JB O’Connor Sandra Day O’Connor: Lawyer & Supreme Court Justice
JB Odonell Rosie Odonell: Talk Show Host & Comedian
JB O’neal NBA Superstar Shaquille O’Neal (2 copies)
JB Palmeiro Rafael Palmeiro (Real-Life Reader Biography)
JB Parker Seneca Chief, Army General: Ely Parker
JB Parker Freedom River
JB Parker Quanah Parker: Commanche Warrior
JB Parks Rosa Parks/Greenfield
JB Parks I Am Rosa Parks (3 copies)
JB Paulsen Gary Paulsen: Author and Wilderness Adventurer (2 copies)
JB Peet Bill Peet: An Autobiography (2 copies)
JB Peter Peter the Great/Stanley
JB Petit The Man Who Walked Between the Towers
JB Pickett Bill Pickett: Rodeo-Ridin’ Cowboy (3 copies)
JB Pizarro Francisco Pizarro/Donaldson-Forbes
JB Pizarro Francisco Pizarro & the Conquest of the Inca
JB Pocahontas Pocahontas/D’Aulaire
JB Ponce Juan Ponce De Leon & the Search for the Fountain of Youth
JB Potter Beatrix Potter: The Country Artist
JB Radcliffe Daniel Radcliffe: No Ordinary Wizard
JB Rankin Jeannette Rankin: First Lady of Congress
JB Rector Anne Elizabeth’s Diary
JB Reeve Christopher Reeve/Hughes
JB Ride Sally Ride: First American Woman in Space
JB Rimes Leann Rimes/Zymet
JB Ripken Cal Ripken, Jr./Campbell
JB Ripken Cal Ripken Jr.: Baseball’s Iron Man
JB Ripken Cal Ripken Jr.: Count Me In
JB Ripken Cal Ripken Jr.: Play Ball!
JB Roosevelt Eleanor
JB Roosevelt Eleanor Everywhere
JB Roosevelt Franklin & Eleanor
JB Rosenfeld Bobbie Rosenfeld: The Olympian Who Could Do Anything
JB Ross Betsy Ross: Patriot of Philadelphia
JB Rowling Conversations with J.K. Rowling
JB Sacagawea Sacagawea: Westward with Lewis and Clark
JB Siegal Upon the Head of a Goat
JB Siegel To Dance: A Ballerina’s Graphic Novel (3 copies)
JB Sosa Sammy Sosa (Latinos in Baseball)
JB Spinelli Knots in My Yo-Yo String
JB Squanto Squanto & the First Thanksgiving (3 copies)
JB Stanton The Ballot Box Battle
JB Stanton The Road to Seneca Falls
JB Stetson Boss of the Plains
JB Strug Heart of Gold
JB Szold Henriette Szold: Isreal’s Helping Hand
JB Teresa Mother Teresa/Demi
JB Tereshkova Valentina Tereshkova: First Woman in Space
JB Thomas Johnathan Taylor Thomas
JB Tillage Leon’s Story
JB Tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien: The Man Who Created the Lord of the Rings
JB Twain American Boy: The Adventures of Mark Twain
JB Twain A Brilliant Streak: The Making of Mark Twain
JB Twain Mark Twain for Kids
JB Washington George Washington & the Founding of a Nation
JB Watt James Watt & the Steam Engine
JB Welch Dr. Welch & the Great Grape Story
JB West The Boy Who Loved to Draw
JB White To the Point: A story about E. B. White
JB Whiteley Only Opal
JB Whitestone Heather Whitestone/Wheeler
JB Whitmore Rookie
JB Williams On the Court with Venus & Serena Williams
JB Winthrop John Winthrop: Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
JB Wright Frank Lloyd Wright: Maverick Architect
JB Wyeth First Impressions: Andrew Wyeth
JB Yolen A Letter from Phoenix Farm

Please email me before December 1st at if you'd like any of these copies.

Cheers :)

Anne Gerlach